Get Phone Messages To Your Sales Team Immediately! And Then Effectively Manage The Phone Messages With The Automated Phone Log Software System.
Our Review Score: 
Our Review:
This is a software program that’s been out on the marketing since 2007 and has thousands of installations world wide. It’s just simply an amazing piece of software.
What this software system does is manages the inbound phone calls by placing them in a database for easy retrieval and reporting, and then gives you the ability to either email or text the phone message to your staff.
Sales reps in the field no longer need to come into the office to get their messages, or call in for messages. Now the receptionist just simply takes the phone message and emails/texts it to them.
With the quick entry features in this system receptionist are able to take a phone message far faster than by pad and paper.
Last year they released a Pro version of this software system which now includes a contact database, you can add notes to their record, you can tie phone messages to their record, and much more.
To learn more about the Automated Phone Log Software system click here: Automated Phone Log Software